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How Much is a Bunch of Broccoli? The #1 Best Answer!

How Much is a Bunch of Broccoli? The #1 Best Answer!

How Much is a Bunch of Broccoli?

When grocery shopping or preparing dinner, certain measurements can be confusing, to say the least.

For instance, if a recipe calls for a bunch of broccoli and all you have in your freezer is a bag of broccoli florets, how do you possibly convert that to the amount needed to prepare the meal?

Even if your partner sends you to the grocery store, you may wonder what they mean when they tell you to grab a bunch of broccoli.

Or, if you are counting calories or working on a tight budget, you may want to know about the cost and nutritional content of a bunch of broccoli.

Well, you’ve come to the right place to learn everything you could possibly want to know about bunches of broccoli.

How much is a bunch of broccoli?

An average-sized bunch of broccoli weighs about 9 ounces and is equal to 3 1/2 cups of broccoli. A bunch of broccoli will serve 3-4 people and cost around 3 dollars. There’s a total of 207 calories in a bunch of broccoli, despite raw broccoli being ninety percent water.

How much is a bunch of broccoli?
How much is a bunch of broccoli?

Measurement conversions for a bunch of broccoli

While frozen bags of broccoli are available in sizes ranging from twelve ounces to fifty-two ounces, it’s actually much simpler to determine the size of a bunch of broccoli as they’re usually divided into nine-ounce bunches.

If you’re following a recipe, you probably don’t have a scale at home to measure broccoli by weight, though. Fortunately, most recipes call for cups, not ounces. And a medium-sized bunch of broccoli is equal to three and a half cups.

However, it should be noted that your supermarket may have small or large broccoli bunches available in their produce section. If you opt for a smaller or larger bunch, the actual measurements may vary slightly.

Cup of Broccoli
Cup of Broccoli

Cost of a bunch of broccoli

As of 2020, the average cost of a pound of broccoli in the US was $1.97. But prices differ greatly depending on where you shop and whether you prefer organic broccoli. Nevertheless, fresh or frozen broccoli is much more nutritious than canned vegetables, which makes the price well worth it.

It will cost you around $3.46 for a bunch of fresh organic broccoli, whereas a 12-ounce bag of fresh broccoli florets will cost about $2.78. But once again, prices may vary based on the retailer.

If you think you’ll save money by buying frozen broccoli, think again! While you can buy a small bag of frozen broccoli for as little as $1.12, larger bags of frozen organic broccoli will run you about the same amount you would if you were to buy your broccoli fresh from the produce department.

Cost of a bunch of broccoli
Cost of a bunch of broccoli

Serving sizes for a bunch of broccoli

The recommended individual broccoli serving is one cup or ten florets- not like you’ll probably take the time to count florets on each plate, though.

So, if you buy your broccoli in a bunch, it will be enough to serve three to four people, but that’s if you give the fourth person half of a serving, which you’d probably only do if you were fixing a plate for a young child.

Of course, if you’re a vegan or simply love your broccoli, it’ll never hurt to split the bunch of broccoli into two large servings. As long as you don’t have digestive issues, the extra broccoli shouldn’t hurt you. But you still shouldn’t overdo it. Too much broccoli can lead to hypothyroidism.

Serving Sizes of Broccoli
Serving Sizes of Broccoli

The nutritional content of a bunch of broccoli

Offhand, it may sound as though 207 calories is an awful lot for a bunch of broccoli. But remember, you’re not eating the entire bunch- at least not in one sitting. There are only 31 calories in a one cup serving of broccoli and almost no fat!

Although broccoli is composed of 90% water, a serving of broccoli does contain 6 grams of carbs, 2.4 grams of fiber, and 2.6 grams of protein. While it may seem like broccoli is nothing more than water and empty calories, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Broccoli is extremely rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, iron, zinc, niacin, folate, and vitamins A, D, K, B6, and B12 to name a few.

Nutritional content of Broccoli
The nutritional content of Broccoli

Why you should buy a bunch of raw broccoli

While frozen broccoli is said to contain 400% more beta carotene than fresh bunches of broccoli, the freezing process removes the ingredients in the broccoli that are known to fight inflammation and cancer.

Regardless of how you choose to buy your broccoli, fresh is generally better than frozen. And now that you’ve figured out the measurements and serving sizes, you have no excuse for not buying fresh broccoli- unless you’re really in need of beta carotene.

Fresh Broccoli
Fresh Broccoli

Frequently Asked Questions About How Much is a Bunch of Broccoli

Who should not eat broccoli?

You shouldn’t eat raw broccoli if you have irritable bowel syndrome as it could cause digestive issues due to its high fiber content. Broccoli can also cause some people to experience excessive gas and bloating.

What are the benefits of eating broccoli?

Broccoli is extremely rich in nutrients, and there are many health benefits of eating broccoli, including boosting your immunity, helping you manage your blood sugar levels, and promoting your heart health.

Is broccoli healthier raw or cooked?

Surprisingly, broccoli is not much healthier when eaten raw. However, to reap the most health benefits from your broccoli, you should buy it fresh and either eat it raw or lightly steamed.
If you go the easy route and buy a bag of frozen broccoli, the label will clearly inform you of the amount of broccoli that’s in the bag as well as the nutritional value and servings.

But if you buy a bunch of fresh broccoli, you may be left scratching your head when deciding how much broccoli you should include in the recipe that you are trying to follow.

However, there are more health benefits when eating broccoli raw or steamed, and a bunch of fresh broccoli doesn’t cost much more than a bag of frozen florets. So, it’s well worth it to take the time to figure out how to convert the measurements.

