How much is a bunch of kale?
This question has been the bane of many people’s existence, but it doesn’t have to be.
In this blog post, I will teach you how to measure out a bunch of kale and what measurements are most popular for purchasing.
We’ll also talk about some creative ways to buy your favorite green vegetable!
How Much Is a Bunch of Kale?
A bunch of kale is usually about two cups. A bunch of kale can range from 10-15 stalks with leaves. The size of the bunch varies depending on how tightly the leaves are packed together. The weight is between 8-16 ounces, depending on whether you weigh the stems with the kale leaves.

The Best Way to Measure 1 Bunch of Kale
At the store, kale will usually be bunched together for you by a single rubber band or string, according to Medical News.
Stores make it easy to pick up a bunch and throw it in a plastic bag to purchase when you finish your trip.
But not all stores might have a bunch equally measured out for you.
Instead, another way to purchase a bunch of kale at the store is by weighing it on a scale.
Stores usually have big weighing scales that are elevated above the products, where you can stick your items on the scale to see how much they weigh.
A bunch of kale is two cups, but you won’t be able to measure cups at the store. Use ounces instead.
You’ll be looking for 16 ounces of kale to make a bunch.

How to Eyeball a Bunch of Kale
If you live in a smaller town, there might not be a scale for you to use at the store.
You might have to eyeball your purchases instead of using a scale.
To do this, start by grabbing about ten stalks and pushing them together to make a bunch of your own.
If the bunch doesn’t look the same size as the ones you buy at a store, continue to add one at a time until you feel you have a bunch.
Since this won’t be an exact science, you’ll use your best judgment to determine how close you can get to an actual bunch.
While cooking at home, use the same process to add the kale to your dish, and only add all the kale stems if you feel the recipe needs more.
Otherwise, you can save your extras and use them for another recipe.

Are All Bunches of Food the Same Amount?
You can buy many different foods where the word bunch is used to designate the measurement, but that doesn’t mean they are all the same.
A few other examples of items that you might buy where a bunch is designated as the measurement are: lemons, limes, grapefruit, and bananas.
The amount of those items in a bunch will depend on their size and how tightly they are packed together.
The next time you go to the store, look at the produce and see if there are any other items with the word bunch as the designated measurement.
If you’re unsure how much an item is, ask one of the employees! They will be more than happy to help you out.
The different weights of bananas and kale will tell you how vague the term “bunch” is.
A bunch of bananas could weigh as much as a pound, while a bunch of kale weighs around 16 ounces.
So when you go to the store, understand that just because someone calls a produce item a bunch, it won’t mean the same for every product.
Does A Bunch Include the Stems and Leaves?
Anytime you buy a bunch of kale, it will include the leaves and the stems.
You’ll want to use the leaves in your recipes, but the stem is also edible.
In fact, the stem contains more fiber than the leaves, so it’s a good idea to eat them both! If you’re only going to use part of a bunch of kale, cut off the leaves from the stems and store them in separate containers.
If you don’t use the leaves right away, it’s best to put them in a plastic bag and place them inside another container to stay fresh for up to three days before spoiling.
Store your stems separately in a zip lock bag or another airtight container.
How Much is Half a Bunch of Kale
Half a bunch of kale is about one cup. It contains 5-7 stalks. The weight of half a bunch of kale is between 4-8 ounces.
Frequently Asked Questions About How Much is a Bunch of Kale
How long does a bunch of kale last?
You can keep kale for up to 5-7 days if you keep it in the fridge. If you keep kale outside of a fridge where temperatures are higher, it may only last for 24 hours, but wilting might be present.
How many bunches are in a case of kale?
A case of kale can be up to 24 bunches, but this will always vary between the size of kale stems and leaves. The actual weight of the case will often be more standard than the number of bunches to make the purchasing process more efficient and consistent.
How much is a bunch of kale in cups?
A bunch of kale is about two cups.
How many bunches of kale are 4 cups?
Four cups are two bunches of kale.
What is the weight of a bunch of kale?
The weight of a bunch of kale is 16 ounces. If you don’t count the stems, the weight is 8 ounces.
How much kale is in a bunch?
In a bunch, there are 10-15 kale stalks with leaves.
Buying a Bunch of Kale
Buying a bunch of kale should be around 2 cups or 16 ounces and can be anywhere from 10-15 stems, including the leaves.