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Only the Core of My Banana is Black – Is it Safe to Eat?

Only the Core of My Banana is Black – Is it Safe to Eat?

Bananas are a delicious fruit with many health benefits that it can provide; it is used in entrees, desserts and can be peeled and eaten by itself.

As versatile as bananas are, they are a bit of a fragile fruit.

They bruise easily, go brown, and eventually black. Here is how to know whether or not your banana is safe to eat.

Only the Core of my Banana is Black

If the core of your banana is black, while the rest of the fruit is a healthy white, it is not safe to eat. The blackened core is a sign of Black Center Syndrome. Often, this black center is a type of fungus called Nigrospora. So, if your banana has a black core, it is better not to eat it because it is likely rotten.

Black Center Syndrome

There are really two reasons that a banana can look ripe and good to eat, but it will have a black core on the inside.

The first, as mentioned above, is the Nigrospora fungus sickens the fruit.

The other is more mundane.

The banana could also simply be mistreated in the packaging and shipping process.

If a banana is mistreated in the shipping process by being allowed to get cold or has too much weight put on top of it.

The fragility of ripening bananas makes it so that they must be handled very carefully.

Even a small drop can cause the centers to go black.

On the other hand, there is that chance that the blackened center of your banana is actually a fungus disease found in bananas.

In contrast, the disease has not been proven to be toxic to humans.

Generally, you probably don’t want to eat a banana’s fungal infection.

Ultimately, if you find a black core in a banana, you may want to dispose of the fruit and go searching for a better option.

The Black and Brown of Bananas

Bananas go through a very visual aging process, and due to their fragility, bruises are also easy to see.

So, there is room for confusion about when a banana is ok to eat and when it isn’t.

A good rule of thumb is that if the fruit is black, don’t eat it. Black in bananas is usually a sign of the fruit becoming rotten.

However, if the fruit is browning or has brown spots, it is probably still good.

One common misconception that many have with bananas is that they must be perfectly yellow; otherwise, they are not worth eating.

This is not true; if your banana is showing signs of age, that does not mean that the fruit is bad on the inside.

Bananas become more flavorful as they ripen more and more.

The trick is to eat them or cook with them before they go completely black.

So, if there are some brown spots on the peel, or even if the peel is mostly brown, that does not mean you must throw them away.

Many recipes for banana cakes, bread, or cookies call for overripe bananas.

As the bananas age, the flavor becomes even more potent. This intense flavor is perfect for baked goods.

One of the important indicators is the fruit on the inside of the peel. If the banana is still yellowish-white, then the fruit is still good.

However, if the fruit is overripe and is beginning to rot, it will be greasy, mushy, or have blackened portions.

These are not safe to eat.

Another aspect of bananas that sometimes turns people off is how easily the fruit bruises.

But just because banana is bruised does not mean it is not edible.

One can simply cut away the injured portion of the fruit and then continue to enjoy the deliciousness.

While watching for signs of rot and mold is essential, do not let a little character on your banana peel hold you back from enjoying it.

Brown spotting and bruises will not ruin the taste of your bananas.

The Danger of Rotten Bananas

Eating rotten bananas can affect the human body like many other foodborne illnesses.

We put it in our stomach, and then we get a really sick stomach as a consequence.

Often, rotten bananas can cause diarrhea, vomiting, or even a fever. To be safe, make sure that your banana is a safe one to eat. And, even if the outside of the fruit looks ripe, if the core is black, don’t eat it.

Beyond the visual clues you can get when checking your bananas, you will also be able to smell whether or not a banana is rotten.

Rotten bananas smell awful, and you will be able to smell the difference between ripe and rot.

Frequently Asked Questions About Core of My Banana is Black

What does the blackened core of a banana taste like?

By most reports, it is tasteless. And it is an uncomfortable experience with texture. The blackened core is often crunchy and hard, and when you bite into your banana and find a crunch, that is never a good feeling.

Why does it take forever for my bananas to ripen?

Bananas ripen faster in summer and slower in winter. So, check the season that you are trying to ripen your bananas. Also, if they are not ripening fast enough for you, perhaps try to buy yellower bananas rather than green ones.

Conclusion Only the Core of my Banana is Black

Each person will have to decide what to do with their banana if they find a blackened core.

Some may even opt to try to salvage the ripe parts. That is each individual’s right.

But, one thing that should not be ignored is never to eat the blackened portion.

If all else fails, get rid of one and find a better banana.