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Can You Freeze Cooked Salmon? What You Should Know!

Can You Freeze Cooked Salmon? What You Should Know!

Salmon is very popular among people worldwide and is cooked in many ways. It is delicious and comes with many health benefits.

However, it cannot last very long if kept at room temperature. So, if you have a lot of leftover salmon and don’t know what to do with it, you can freeze it. 

With this suggestion, the question arises, “can you freeze cooked salmon?”. The answer to which is an absolute yes. You freeze cooked salmon and use it later.

Many people who lead a busy life might not have time to cook every day, so the option of freezing cooked salmon suits them well.

Although it does not taste the same after it’s frozen, it can still be used in many dishes like fish spread, salads, and fish curry.

Can You Freeze Cooked Salmon?

While salmon is eaten fresh among most, it can also be frozen for up to 6 to 9 months. However, freezing salmon changes its taste and texture. So, if you want salmon to be in one piece after defrosting, freezing will not be a good option for you. Apart from that, it can easily be frozen and used later.

Can You Freeze Cooked Salmon?
Can You Freeze Cooked Salmon?

How to Freeze Cooked Salmon

There are no complicated steps regarding freezing salmon. The following steps should be followed to freeze your salmon. 

  • Take your cooked salmon and place it at room temperature to allow it to cool down.
  • Make sure that your salmon has minimum extra ingredients, e.g., sauce.
  • Once the salmon has cooled down, cut it up into 3.5-ounce pieces. 
  • Make sure that the freezer is set at 0 degrees.
  • Wrap it up in parchment paper or foil to avoid the salmon sticking to the plastic bag.
  • Place the foil-wrapped salmon in an airtight plastic bag. 
  • Try to remove excess air from the bag by pressing or using a straw.
  • Keep it on the sides or at the bottom of the freezer for instant cooling.
Once salmon has cooled down, wrap tightly in foil and place in airtight freezer bag.
Once salmon has cooled down, wrap tightly in foil and place in airtight freezer bag.

Tips on How to Freeze Cooked Salmon

  • Make sure that the salmon you are freezing is freshly cooked.
  • Never put hot salmon in the freezer. Let it cool down before freezing it. Heat can facilitate bacterial growth in the salmon because of the moisture.
  • Frozen cooked salmon can be used to make fish spreads and curry
  • Do not add any extra ingredients like milk or oils while freezing the salmon.
  • Use a sharp knife to cut your salmon, so it doesn’t fall apart while cutting it into pieces.
  • If you have a lot of leftover cooked salmon, make divisions while freezing it by separately wrapping the pieces in parchment paper. In this way, you will not have to take the whole thing out to reheat it.
  • You can not refreeze your cooked salmon once you have taken it out and defrosted it.
  • It would be best if you refrigerated the salmon first when you decide to defrost it. Refrigerating it helps maintain its texture. 
  • Do not directly cook your salmon on high heat because it will dry it out.
  • The frozen salmon packet can also be placed in water at moderate temperature to defrost it.
  • If you are using a microwave to defrost your salmon, use the defrost option. Direct heat from the microwave will dry out the salmon.
  • Cooked salmon is not the same as raw salmon. Raw salmon can be frozen for a more extended period of time.
Use a sharp knife to cut your salmon to preserve its shape.
Use a sharp knife to cut your salmon to preserve its shape.

Things to Look Out For

Salmon has a very overpowering smell. Keeping it in your freezer, whether raw or cooked, can cause the other vegetables and frozen items to catch that smell. To avoid this issue, you can double wrap your salmon to prevent the smell from reaching other food items.

Freezing cooked salmon will surely change its texture, and it becomes moist and soggy. It can also develop a grayish hue if it is reheated from frozen.

It is best to place your salmon in the refrigerator a day before you plan to cook it. In this way, it can be thawed gradually. 

Make sure that the salmon you are freezing was bought from reliable sources. If you do not know if the salmon you bought is fresh or was frozen before, it is advised to consume it when it is new. 

It is best to consume your frozen salmon within three months; otherwise, it will lose its flavor and texture. Using it within three months will ensure its taste and texture are on point, and it will still be in ideal condition to consume.

Do not try to freeze your salmon again once you have defrosted it. You will allow bacterial growth if you bring it down to room temperature and freeze it again. 

If you wish to save the salmon for longer, you can separate the pieces according to how much you want to eat every time. You can keep it frozen for longer if you take out only the amount you want to eat.

Do not refreeze salmon once it has thawed to prevent bacterial growth.
Do not refreeze salmon once it has thawed to prevent bacterial growth.

Conclusion to Can You Freeze Cooked Salmon

Salmon is a very demanded dish by people because of its high protein and multiple health benefits. The article mentions all the ways in which salmon can be frozen. Following the guidelines discussed above will help you enjoy your salmon in salads and curry even in the summers.

Frozen cooked salmon can be used for dishes like curry.
Frozen cooked salmon can be used for dishes like curry.

Frequently Asked Questions to Can You Freeze Cooked Salmon

How Long Does Cooked Salmon Last in a Freezer?

Cooked salmon can last for up to 9 months in the freezer. However, it is preferred to consume it within 3 to 4 months if you want it to taste better. The longer it stays in the freezer, the more it will alter its flavor.

Is Salmon As Good As Fresh After Freezing it?

It is not as good as fresh salmon because of the changed texture and flavor. Sometimes it also goes dry. But the earlier you use it, the better it will taste.

Can you Freeze Cooked Salmon after 3 Days?

It is not advisable to freeze your salmon after three days because that is the maximum time it can be stored in a refrigerator. It is best to freeze your salmon as soon as possible.